Ai Bro

Stable WarpFusion

Stable WarpFusion

Pricing: Paid


Stable WarpFusion is an AI tool that uses your computer’s graphics processing unit (GPU) to create detailed and lifelike visuals. Its features include a new consistency algorithm, Tiled VAE, Face ControlNet, Temporalnet, and Reconstruct Noise. You can download updates for it every night, and there are different support options available on Patreon.

To use Stable WarpFusion, it’s recommended to have a Nvidia GPU with at least 16GB of VRAM. You’ll need to download the Warp Fusion notebook from Alex’s Patreon page and load it into Google Colab. If you’re using Google Colab Pro, make sure to connect the notebook to a hosted runtime. This allows you to use your own computer unit and GPU.